Os Dinner Discount Toronto Diaries

Os Dinner Discount Toronto Diaries

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Another awesome perk if you sign up for their emails: free spinach dip with the purchase of an entrfoie!

When it finds coupons and discounts, it will display the lowest-priced match within seconds and inform you how much savings you will get. Depending on the retailer and eligibility of the item you want to buy, your savings can be anywhere from 10-30%. 

Toronto’s tropical rainforest-themed multisensory restaurant has a special Selva Hour that you’re going to love.

Trapped only has locations around the GTA, but their birthday offer is pretty awesome, so I had to include it in here!

If you love escape rooms, you’ll definitely be very happy to hear about this free birthday gift you can get near Toronto.

Don’t miss the steamed chicken momos, which are tender and tasty. Whether you’re a fan of international food or seeking a unique dining experience, it is a must-visit spot.

Queen West Just try finishing a roti from Gandhi Roti in one sitting—you probably won’t be able to, despite the fact that vegan rotis all cost under $10.

There is also an app with exclusive offers, and you can download a browser extension. This will activate cashback when you visit the store website, and the coupons are applied automatically at checkout.

The Scarborough district of Toronto is known for its ethnic diversity — more than half of the district’s residents are immigrants or foreign-born, which has led to a proliferation of different cuisines and restaurants. Peterson heads there in this episode to taste the Middle Eastern pastries at Crown Pastries, a small shop owned and operated by two brothers from Syria, Rasoul and Ismail Salha.

The shop offers a variety of sweet and savory Syrian delicacies, many of which are variations of thinly rolled layers of phyllo dough stuffed with pistachios, walnuts, almonds, or other nuts.

Chatime is one of the best bubble tea spots in Toronto, and they offer a free handcrafted drink on your birthday.

Another meal kit delivery service, Fresh Canteen helps you control what you’re eating by sending you the prepped ingredients and printed recipe of your choice meal from their varied weekly menus. Also coming in check here at $12.50 a meal, it’s a great option for those wanting to cook their own food.

Another company to help those adjusting to the paleo lifestyle is Eat Savage, offering a variety of cooked meals at various prices.

The final meal kit option for busy cooks is Prepd, which wins in the pricing department at just $10 a meal and includes delivery. The only downside is that you only have four meal options to choose from every week, while the others offer six choices.

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